Our Solar System
Our solar system In our solar system includes the Sun, the planet (where you're now!) and every one of the opposite planets, asteroids, and comets that go around and around it. Our solar system formed 4,600 crores a year ago. Orbital speed is 220 km/second. Proxima Centauri is the nearest star to our system. Its distance is 4.25 light-years from our system. Our Solar System You may suppose that the planet may be a pretty massive place, however, the planet isn’t even the largest planet within the scheme. the largest planet is Jupiter – you'll work one thousand three hundred twenty-one Piles of earth within Jupiter. The Sun is even larger than Jupiter – it'd take 1.3 million planets the scale of Earth to fill identical volumes because of the Sun. Our planets- Mercury – Mercury is that the terribly nearest planet to the Sun. it's the littlest planet in our system. it's created by rock. it's, therefore, preparing to the Sun th...